Please join us for a

JLI Symposium

Incorporating the JLI Annual Dinner

Marking Eight Years of the Jewish Learning Institute of Leeds

Guest Speaker: Rabbi Rafi Goodwin, NE London
Director of the Newest JLI Chapter in the UK


Date: Bank Holiday Monday, 31 August 2015 - 16th Elul 5775
Location: Chabad-Lubavitch Centre of Leeds, Shadwell Lane, LS17

17.30-18.45: "Negotiating with Terror" ~ Rabbi Rafi Goodwin
18.45-19.30: Buffet Dinner
19.30-20.45: "Torturing to Save Lives" ~ Rabbi Eli Pink

Cost: £18 + £7 optional textbook. Both sessions are CPD accredited.
RSVP by Wednesday 26th August
For more details please visit the JLI website
here or contact:
Rabbi Eli Pink on 07875 320 344 or @ [email protected]


Thank you for your booking.
All bookings are processed via paypal, but you do not need a paypal account to pay.

JLI Symposium and Annual Dinner