
Running six Tuesdays from 17th May, 2011 at 8:00 p.m

At: Lubavitch Centre, 168 Shadwell Lane, LS17 8AD

For information or to register, please contact: Rabbi Eli Pink 
O: 0113 266 3311 M: 07875 320 344

E: [email protected]

17th May - Lesson 1 - The Gift
24th May - Lesson 2 - Beginning with the End in Mind
31st May - Lesson 3 - Walking with Angels 
7th June - 
Break for Shavuot
14th June - Lesson 4 - Pure Pleasure 
21st June - Lesson 5 - Working Definitions 
28th June - Lesson 6 - Afterglow

Click here to download the course overview and curriculum.

Register for the course on the myJLI website by clicking here.