Chabad Lubavitch Leeds

Leeds is currently acclaimed as the fastest growing city in the UK. We at Chabad Lubavitch Leeds are certainly upbeat about the growth of Jewish life in Leeds. The Jewish population is on an upward trend, and Jewish awareness has never been so enthusiastic.
Chabad Lubavitch Leeds opened in 1975 with the arrival of Rabbi Yirmiyahu and Mrs. Shoshana Angyalfi. They immediately became highly involved in many areas of Leeds Jewish communal life, initiating Lubavitch activities for all sectors of the community. Their popularity and success facilitated bringing another family of Shluchim in 1980. Rabbi Reuven and Mrs. Ruth Cohen arrived to continue the development of all the activities, especially in the area of Youth work.
The Chabad Lubavitch Centre was purchased in 1986, which at first was home to a Rabbinic Academy and then f
or a Shluchim programme. Currently the Centre is being used weekly for minyanim on Shabbat as well as weekly adult and childrens' programmes. The Danows, Pinks and Chazans have since moved to Leeds and an additional Chabad Centre was opened on Leeds Campus.

Landmarks in the history of Lubavitch in Leeds

Lubavitch Shluchim from New York visit on summer programs.

Important Rabbonim in Leeds begin correspondence and visits to the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Rabbi Yirmiyahu and Mrs Shoshana Angyalfi arrive in Leeds as the first full time Shliach, establishing a permanent branch of the Lubavitch Foundation in Leeds.

Dayan Yehuda Refson z"l and his wife Mrs Ettie Refson ybchl"ch arrive in Leeds and he is appointed Rabbi of Shomrei Hadass. They open the Leeds Menorah School in 1978.

Lubavitch expands. A third Lubavitch Rabbi, Rabbi Reuven Cohen along with his wife Ruth, arrives in Leeds establishing the Lubavitch Youth Organization for working with the youth in Leeds.

First Giant Menorah in Europe is built in Leeds by Rabbi R. Cohen. The Menorah remains one of the largest of its kind to this day.

The Tanya (philosophical work of the Alter Rebbe, founder of Lubavitch) is printed in Leeds.

Lubavitch Leisure and Cultural Centre opens on Shadwell Lane, providing regular activities for all ages.

Rabbinic Academy opens to attract young talent to the English Rabbinic scene. Alumni Rabbi Mendel and Chana Sufrin join the UHC Rabbinic Staff and then BHH.

Lorie Library open in the Lubavitch Communal Centre.

Mr Chaim and Ruth Bell join the staff of the Leeds Menorah School.

Leeds Gan Israel Day camp becomes Largest in Europe.

Chabad Lubavitch expands by adding new staff; greatly increasing it's scope of activities.

The Shluchim Program starts, allowing a vast range of new activities to take place.

The Chabad Lubavitch Leisure and Cultural Centre expands by opening the "Roots Room."

Rabbi Michoel and Chana Sorah Danow and family join the Chabad Lubavitch staff and open the Leeds Student Chabad House on Campus.
Rabbi Eli and Dabrushy Pink and family join the Chabad Lubavitch staff in Leeds, taking responsibility for the educational activities.
An affiliate of the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute is opened in the Chabad Lubavitch Communal Centre.

The Jewish Heritage Centre of Children (JHCC aka the Shtetl) opens, education thousands of children about Judaism.
A new department is opened up for Young Professionals, in collaboration with the Beth Hamidrash Hagadol call JMT Events. This becomes a part of the Chabad Young Professionals network.

Rabbi Mendy and Bunie Chazan and family join the Chabad Lubavitch staff in Leeds. They open a branch of Cteen, the Chabad Teen Network.
A Teen Loft is opened in the Chabad Lubavitch Centre.

The Shluchos Program opens, with seminary graduates coming to support Chabad Lubavitch activities.
Chabad Lubavitch's Hebrew School - Hebrew's Cool Club - opens.