Shabbat in the Heights 5785 / 2025
A spirited Shabbat experience in the heart of the Chabad Lubavitch movement
in Crown Heights, New York
3-6 Iyar 5785 / 1-5 May 2025
- A visit to 770, the Rebbe's house and the Ohel
- A tour of the Crown Heights neighbourhood
- Uplifting Chassidic Gatherings
- Insightful talks, group learnings and discussions with the best talent of Chabad Lubavitch
- Join with 100s of Jewish people from 10s of Chabad Houses around the world
- Extra day of NYC shopping and sightseeing
- Gourmet Kosher Cuisine
Joint trip with Manchester - accompanied by Rabbi Eli & Dabrushy Pink
Men and Women welcome!
Only £550 including full programme (not flights)
Optional to pay an additional £500 now and lock in your flight costs
Subsidised rate - £200 discount
Details: Contact Rabbi Eli Pink on 07875 320 344 or email [email protected]